If you want to take your business to new heights, then you have to take help of every single platform. Facebook is one of the best platforms that can really help you accumulate your business in a great fashion. I would like to mention some effective techniques to drive huge traffic from Facebook to your website for absolutely free. Keep reading this post to get in-depth knowledge about these techniques.

It is great if you’re active on your Facebook page’s wall and posting regular status updates, interacting with your audience and answering all their questions, but I want to tell you that you’re still missing out on a number of things if you aren’t using calls to action.A call to action is a technique that encourages or even incentivizes the response of your audiences to your content, and it can be anything, such as a simple status update.I’m pretty sure that your audience is going to love interacting with you on your Facebook page and even your page will benefit a lot with increased visibility, traffic and marketing opportunities.
Everybody starts up with a handful number of strategies, but there are only a few Facebook page admins who fully capitalize and foster their fan base. Therefore, if you want to add up your name in that list, then you have to go through these five effective ways to call your Facebook audience to action.
1. Post Audience Oriented Updates
The best way to generate sales is by driving your audiences into the right place, i.e., your website. But how will you do that? Well, you have to break all the shackles and think of unique ways. You can’t just resort to posting the same old status over and over again. Admins who think their audience don’t notice it are living in a delusion because everything is being noticed by people. So, it is better to post fresh updates regularly. You can use an algorithm named EdgeRank, which is used by Facebook to determine the importance of the status update. The higher the comments and likes on a status, the better is the EdgeRank. As an admin, getting more comments on the status should be your goal. You should focus on keeping your audience indulged with your replies.
2. Begin The Conversation With Relevant Content
If you’ve tried asking your audience for their valuable inputs, but have heard crickets only, then it’s time for you to look back over to your status updates andevaluate all the posts. Check if you are posting more about your company or community?
It is quite a fact that the Facebook users will only respond to the relevant content. A mobile company that posts nothing but glittery advertisements in their status updates won’t get the kind of response they would if they posted information about the new handsets and their specifications.You should give your Facebook audience a reason to chime in by creating the most relevant status updates that discuss issues they care about.
3. Make Sharable Content ToGet Free Traffic To Your Custom Content
Many Facebook Admins create lucrative and gorgeous functional tabs, but fail to include any call to action feature on them. It is very important for all the Facebook Admins to know that their content is the main source for driving more business, so why not add spread the content all around the Facebook. As a Facebook admin, you should try different things to keep your audience interested in your Facebook page. You can put various coupon codes or seasonal discounts, so that people keep on buying from your website.
4. Design Action-Based Incentives
You can create Sign up forms in order to get more traffic. In case you are not getting the amount of sign-ups that you have expected, then you can incentivize it by placing some lucrative options along with it. As I have mentioned above, coupons will be the best option to place because people love using coupons while shopping.
5. Create Effective Fan-Gates
Increase your fan count by putting up great offers and contests. Also, send a message to all the non-fans that, if they want to enter the contest, then they have to like the page first. This will result in a landslide of Likes on your Facebook page. If your business is genuine, then you won’t have trouble getting free traffic from Facebook to your website.
The author of this article has an in-depth knowledge about the Facebook Marketing. She wanted to share this wonderful knowledge with her readers. She really hopes that her article would help the readers to determine the five effective ways to drive traffic from the Facebook to their websites.